Tag Archives: Jacqueline Sophia


Kick Back, Relax

My daughter sets herself up for a little relaxing tv time.

Trans-Siberian Twin Adventure

Tonight IĀ introduced the twins to live Trans-Siberian Orchestra music, sort of. Well, it was live, and captured on video and uploaded to YouTube. Continue reading

1st Grade: First Day 2016

As Jacqueline said to me this morning while tieing her own sneakers, “Well Dad, I guess we are officially first-graders now.” Yes you are. And off to school they go, beginning the 2016-17 school year. Time will again race by, but this moment we enjoy, and capture, only to look back on it and wonder where the time went.

They couldn’t wait to get on the bus. Theodore told me last night, “Dad I am not excited for school, I just can’t stop thinking about it.” This morning he asked my wifeĀ and I if they could walk down to the bus on their own after today. We said one, or both of us, will get them on the bus each day, to whichĀ he replied, “Maybe in second grade, or at least when we are 8.”

As for today it was Dad, Mom, and the twins all at the bottom of the driveway, waiting for the bus. The rest is history.

1st grade we have each other

The twins are ready to take on First Grade.Ā 

twins 1st day bus 1st grade

Same bus. Same bus driver (they love Kami). Same route. Sometimes new beginnings are easier with some familiarity.

1st grade natural twins pose

They posed for the picture. Holding hands, well that just happened automatically. At least they have each other.


“Come on Dad, let’s go!” Down the driveway we went to meet the bus. 1inawesomewonder (C) 2016.

We Miss You Mrs. Tefft

Tomorrow, another school year begins in Goffstown, NH. Yet, tonight, for the third time in four days, I was stopped in my tracks when I saw the obituary for Mrs. Tefft online. We all should be seeing her tomorrow, standing out front, smiling, and greeting all. Imagine how long the list of accolades and kind words would be if Mrs. Tefft hadn’t been taken so soon. We were some of the fortunate ones that got to feel her impact. We all will miss her here in this community. Continue reading


Girls at Rest

Wife and daughter, fast asleep in Maine. (c) 1inawesomewonder 2016.

Wife and daughter, fast asleep in Maine. (c) 1inawesomewonder 2016.


Twice the Love

Jacqueline decided that Theodore needed hugs and kisses before undertaking a diaper change. 2011. (C) 1inawesomewonder.

Twin Adventures – Pillow Fort


Jackie gets some air during a play at home day. (C) 1inawesomewonder.


Then, we got serious and built a fort that hadĀ 3 rooms, a fan blowing air through it, and a separate TV viewing area. (C) 1inawesomewonder.